Daily Tips from The Marriage Library
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5 Ways to Listen Well

Both husbands and wives need to be good at listening to each other. Here are 5 points to remember to help you really connect with the speaker.

Jim Stephens
5 Ways to Listen Well
Often in society we want to project strength in leadership by speaking well and making our voice heard. It's easy to overlook the skill of superior listening. But listening well can really help you gain the information you need as well as hear the heart of your partner to create a close and lasting relationship. 
Points to consider:

1. Get off to a good start.
Begin good listening skills the moment you are introduced to someone. Many times, we are so focused on making our own first impression that we forget to catch the other person's name. Repeating the name as you shake hands will help you recall later.

2. Avoid speechwriting.
As you listen, hear only the speaker's voice in your mind. Tune out your own inner voice that would rather plan what you're going to say next.

3. Don't interrupt.
Save questions, comments and feedback until the person is finished speaking. If you are tempted to interrupt, think twice before you do. Is what you have to say really that important? In most cases, it can wait.

4. Stay focused.
Avoid using listening time to pass judgment on what the person is saying before he or she has finished, to think of questions to ask, or to dwell on whether or not you agree. If you find your mind wandering, bring it back to the speaker.

5. Relax.
Good listening is often described as active listening, which makes it sound like a lot of hard work. However, the best listening tools you can master are a nonjudgmental attitude and a clear head. A relaxed body posture and an open mind help you absorb more information.

Open your ears and your mind, and you might be surprised at what you learn.
God bless your marriage and family. 
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library