Daily Tips from The Marriage Library
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Choose Your Wife Regularly To Keep Her Happy 
By Pastor Mark Gungor
Summary of this article 
Mark Gungor suggests some practical ideas for men to make their wives feel "chosen".
Choose Your Wife Regularly To Keep Her Happy
By Mark Gungor

When a man proposes marriage to a woman, he is saying to her "Of all the women in the world, I choose you." On her wedding day, at the greatest party of her life, in front of her family, her friends, and God, she is celebrating "I have been chosen!"
The man who understands this holds the key to what a woman truly desires. 
Love is not enough. She must be chosen. So.....Choose her.
The complaining wife doesn't really care that her husband watches too much TV, or plays too many video games, or works too long; it is that he does those things instead of choosing her. 
The man who will regularly demonstrate to his wife that she is his top choice will be the man with an extremely happy wife -- and there ain't nothing like living with a satisfied woman. As comedian Jeff Allen says, "Happy wife - happy life."
Guys, despite what you may have come to believe, your wife doesn't need your attention 24/7, nor does she really care that you have other interests.
She just needs you to exhibit, with some regularity, that you have intentionally chosen her.
Here are some suggestions: 
  * Instead of watching your favorite show, say to her "How about I shut this off and let's go for a walk?"
  * Instead of sticking your nose in a laptop for hours-on-end as you bring work home, tell her, "How about I shut this off for a while and you can tell me about your day?"
  * Dare to skip a golf date or fishing day and tell her "You know, the guys wanted me to go with them today, but I decided to stick around and see if I can give you a hand around the house."
That act of choosing her reaffirms to her your love and commitment and watch out, her response will be pretty dramatic!
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Hiromi
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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library