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Marriage Is Boot Camp For Loving The World
By Gary Chapman 

Nov. 24, 2010                                                                                                Issue 476  
Summary of this article
Many of us understand that finding meaning and value in life involves our helping on a larger level than just ourselves or our family.

In this article Gary Chapman writes about how a husband and wife working together and working out their challenges, become partners that can accomplish more for the greater good than either could have done alone.

He believes this is the way that God designed it to be in the original ideal. I would whole heartedly agree with him.


Marriage Is Boot Camp For Loving The World


By Dr. Gary Chapman 


In God's design for marriage, husbands and wives are to walk together as teammates. They are not in competition with each other, but rather they seek tocomplement each other.


They have differences and similarities. The similarities draw them together and the differences provide an opportunity to minister to each other and grow. 


For example, he is quiet and reserved. She is talkative and outgoing. If he will allow it, God will use her to enrich his life. If she is willing, God will use him to teach her the value of reflection and contemplation. They enhance not only the quality of life for each other, but together they become more effective ministers to others. 


The major motif of the Christian life is service to others in the name of God. Marriage gives us a place to experience this daily. We learn to serve each other, then together we reach out to serve others.


In a sense, marriage is God's boot camp for our extended ministry. 


It is God's design: practice it at home first, then export it to the world. 



Article written by Dr. Gary Chapman.  Based on the book, The Marriage You've Always Wanted by Dr. Gary Chapman. Published by Moody Publishing, copyright 2009.




God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens



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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library