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The Gold Color Style Person During The Holidays - Part 6 of 9 
By Jim Stephens 

Dec. 15, 2010                                                                                                Issue 497  
Summary of this article
We've reached the half-way point. How are you doing? Is this helpful? Are you getting excited about the holidays and new way of give and take with family and friends. Just two more colors to go in this model of personalities, Gold and Green, (4 total).


The Gold Color Style Person During The Holidays - Part 6 of 9


By Jim Stephens based on Color Styles by Mary Miscisin


Gold Communication Patterns


Golds are commonly purposeful and task focused in conversation. They like to talk about what has worked the past, social events, and the "right" way of doing things. Often they speak chronologically, including specific steps. During the Holidays conventional Golds will pay close attention to etiquette, preferring to stick with appropriate subjects and what others should and should not be doing. They take pride in membership and may share their roles, responsibilities, and community involvements. Many Golds are direct and assertive, stating their views firmly. They like to bring proper closure to events, projects, and discussions.


What to expect from Golds during the Holidays


*  Golds find the holidays a time to honor tradition, keeping customs that have been practiced year after year.


 *  Golds like to feel useful and belong and they will go out of their way to make sure every detail of an activity is attended to. They like making sure things go smoothly every step along the way.


 *  Golds enjoy their set holiday routines and organized ways of doing things.


 *  Golds place family and religion as highly importance when planning Holiday events.


 *  Golds usually get a bit stressed making sure that everything gets done on time (house cleaned, decorations displayed, food cooked, gifts wrapped...)


 *  Knowing how busy the stores are during the holiday, they plan ahead and start their gift-shopping early. Golds get their Christmas cards mailed out the day after Thanksgiving.


 *  Golds like their friends and family to be careful with money so they don't expect to receive flashy gifts themselves.


Motivations and Likes of the Gold Style:


Fulfilling responsibility

Upholding tradition


Status and respect       

Loyalty, commitment

Doing the "right" thing

Being prepared, planning

Security, stability


Affiliation, membership

Rules and protocol

Clear expectations




God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library