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Is This a Good Time to Talk?
From Gary Chapman

June 29, 2011                                                                                                Issue 693    


Summary of this article


I like Gary Chapman's articles because they are usually short and to the point and very practical. They are tested out and found to be helpful for a lot of people. 


God bless your family and your marriage.


Is This a Good Time to Talk?


By Dr. Gary Chapman  


In my recent book, Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way, I asked the publisher to print the following statement in the back of the book as a tear out.  


My suggestion is that you put it on the refrigerator so that when a family member feels angry at another family member, they take the card and read it aloud to the person at whom they are angry.  


Here's what the card says, 


"I'm feeling angry right now, but don't worry.  I'm not going to attack you.  But I do need your help. Is this a good time to talk?"


It brings a little humor into the tenseness and reminds you of what you are not going to do.  It is also asking the other person to help you process your anger. 


It's an easy way to help family members learn to process anger in a positive way.


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library