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I Won't Change My Behavior

By Gary Chapman
September 8, 2011                                                                             Issue 768    


Summary of this article


This article comes from the book, The Five Languages of Apology, which is one of the most profound I have read. It's good to take a look at ourselves and check what gets us to change our behavior and why. We often have to do things we would not choose to do except that we do it out of love. 


God bless your family and your marriage.



I Won't Change My Behavior


By Dr. Gary Chapman  

"I'll apologize, but I won't change. What I'm doing is not wrong. You shouldn't be so sensitive." He was adamant, but his wife was crying.


Craig was a natural joker but many of his jokes were off-color. "Hey, they aren't dirty jokes; just jokes that everyone can identify with. That's why I get so many laughs."


But his wife Betty was not laughing, and his jokes had become a huge issue in their marriage.

The idea that we only need to make changes when we are doing something morally wrong is erroneous.  


In a healthy marriage, we often make changes that have nothing to do with morality, but everything to do with building a harmonious marriage.


Fortunately Craig learned this truth, changed his style of jokes, and he and Betty now lead a marriage enrichment class in their church.



Article written by Dr. Gary Chapman. Based on the book, The Five Languages of Apology by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Jennifer Thomas. Published by Moody Publishing, copyright 2008



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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library