Daily Tips from The Marriage Library.com
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Why You Should Hold Hands

By Sheri & Bob Stritof
November 16, 2011                                                                             Issue 833    


Summary of this article


This is an article that reminds us of the importance of touching each other (not in a sexual way) and what this does for your relationship. It's easy to let this slip by and stop making the effort, therefore a reminder is helpful.  


God bless your family and your marriage.



Why You Should Hold Hands


By Sheri & Bob Stritof, About.com Guides


When we are standing in a line at a movie theater or waiting for a seat in a restaurant, Bob often puts his hand on my shoulder. When we are walking, we hold hands. When I see that he is tired, I give him a quick neck rub. Just stroking his forehead brings about a sigh of satisfaction.


We are firm believers in the importance of nonsexual touch in marriage.


What is Nonsexual Touch?


Here are more examples of affection and nonsexual touch in marriage:


* Holding hands both privately and in public.

* Nonsexual massage of neck, shoulders, back.

* Hugs.

* Sitting close to one another both privately and in public.

* Kisses, especially unexpected kisses.

* Holding one another.

* Cuddling, snuggling.

* Walking arm in arm.

* Stroking.

* Reaching across the table to touch hands.

* Simple caring and tender gestures such as resting your hand on your spouse's leg.

* Putting your hand on your spouse's shoulder.

* Gentle caresses.


Why is Nonsexual Touch Important in Your Marriage?


Nonsexual touch and other signs of affection strengthens your marriage relationship, creates a comforting and calming atmosphere in your home, builds trust between the two of you, and deepens your intimacy with one another.


Do not let nonsexual touch become a thing of the past in your marriage!





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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library