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Apologizing Is A Choice Best Made Quickly

By Gary Chapman
November 2, 2011                                                                             Issue 819    


Summary of this article


Gary Chapman did a lot of research on how to make an apology that would be acepted by the recipient, as opposed to one that the apologizer believed was correct. It was fascinating research. I highly recommend his book. This article is only a tickler.


God bless your family and your marriage.



Apologizing Is A Choice Best Made Quickly


By Gary Chapman  


Why is apologizing so hard? One husband said, "I know I did wrong, but so did she. In fact, she precipitated the whole thing. Why should I apologize when she's the one who started it?"


The problem with the waiting game is that the average life span for men and women is 75 years. How much of your life do you want to spend in a "cold war"?


I've known people who have spent 30 years living in the same house waiting for the other person to apologize. Why would you do that?


I know it's not all your fault, but some of it is.


Apologize for your part and see what happens.


The first step is often the hardest. Nothing worthwhile comes easy.


Take responsibility for your failures and request forgiveness.



Article written by Dr. Gary Chapman. Based on the book, The Five Languages of Apology, by Dr. Gary Chapman.    


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library