Daily Tips from The Marriage Library.com
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Appreciate Your Man

By Nancy Kennedy
November 22, 2011                                                                             Issue 839    


Summary of this article


It's always helpful to get suggestions on little things you can do to improve your relationship and make your spouse happier. Pick one from the list below and try it out. It might surprise you in an unexpected way.


God bless your family and your marriage.



Appreciate Your Man


By Nancy Kennedy


Here are some suggestions to help your husband feel appreciated as the man in your life:


* Go to his softball games and pay attention.


* Tell him often that what he does at work is important to you.


* Never belittle or trivialize his work.


* Ask questions about his job. Learn what he does.


* Determine what your husband does well and provide opportunities for him to perform and succeed. Ask him if he would: glue a chair leg, move furniture, change a doorknob, plan a trip, etc.


* Say thank you often.


* Watch your interactions with other men and avoid situations that could be



* Ask his advice and then take it. If you're not willing to do that, it's better not to ask in the first place.


* Ask for his help.


* Build him up in front of your kids.


* Never correct him in public.


* Dream with him, even if you think his dreams are farfetched. That's what makes them dreams.


* Touch him often, especially when you're listening to him talk.


* Be loyal.


* Enjoy sex.


Pray and ask God for creative ways to affirm your husband's unique maleness. Then go and do it.



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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library