Daily Tips from The Marriage Library.com
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New Year's Resolutions for
Strengthening Your Marriage - Part 1
By Michelle Gannon  
December 27, 2011                                                                             Issue 874    


Summary of this article


Many people are into making resolutions for the new year. This article suggests that you take some time to focus on improving and strengthening your marriage in 2012. I whole-heartedly agree. Why not read Marriage Tips and discuss them with your spouse and share them with your friends and relatives. Below are some more ideas and it will be continued tomorrow.


God bless your family and your marriage.


New Year's Resolutions for Strengthening Your Marriage - Part 1


By Dr. Michelle Gannon


This is the time of year when many of us make New Year's resolutions. The most popular include things like losing weight or getting fit, getting the finances in order, organizing our life, an effort to quit smoking and reduce or stop drinking and even try to have more fun. I even read that fifty-percent of Americans say their New Year's resolution is to spend more time with family and friends.


But what about a New Year's resolutions specifically for strengthening your marriage? You can't get any better than that.


Half of marriages end in divorce. Research has found that only half of those who stay married actually carry the moniker of "happily married." So, this year, make a resolution to prioritize your marriage.


Couples that invest in their marriages have more satisfying, pleasurable interactions with each other because great marriages do not just happen. It's time we all make some New Year's resolutions together and focus on our relationships.


Step one is to sit down with your spouse, grab a pen and paper, a glass of wine or cup of tea-this exercise is supposed to be relaxed and enjoyable-and brainstorm together some New Year's resolutions for your marriage.


1. Start with the positives - what to do more of.


What do you both like and appreciate about your relationship? How can you enhance and highlight the positives?


Spending time alone together is essential for your relationship health. Commit to a monthly or weekly date night. If you have children, brainstorm about childcare. Besides hiring babysitters, you may be able to trade play dates or sleepovers with family or friends. Do not be complacent. Make a commitment or resolutions to have date nights in 2012. No more excuses!


If your romance and passion used to be positive, but now has been neglected, pay more attention. Research by Barry McCarthy has found that if you are both happy enough with your sex life, it only accounts for 15 percent of marital satisfaction. However, if either of you is unhappy with your sex life, it can account for 85 percent of marital satisfaction. Commit to prioritizing your sex life. Set aside time for sex dates, read some fun sex self-help books together and commit to being more affectionate and passionate in 2012.


When you were first together as a dating couple, you likely had new, fun and interesting experiences together. Commit to trying some new activities, hobbies or outings together in the New Year.



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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library