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Valuable Information:
The Power of Understanding
Article by Mark Gungor
The Power of Understanding
by Mark Gungor

Understanding is extremely important when it comes to a healthy successful marriage.  When you are willing to understand each other, new vision and hope will emerge.  You will immediately become energized to work on your marriage, even if it is rife with trouble. 
Here is a story that illustrates the power understanding has on our willingness to stick to a difficult relationship.

Once there was a boy who lived with his mother and grandfather.  His grandfather was not really an elderly man, but he was confined to a wheelchair and had very little use of his arms.  His face was badly scarred, and he had a difficult time swallowing his food.

Every day the little boy was assigned the task of going into his grandfather's room and feeding him lunch.  This the little boy did faithfully, but not joyously.  It was quite a mess to feed Grandfather.

As the boy grew into adolescence, he became weary of his responsibility.  One day he stormed into the kitchen and announced that he had had enough.  He told his mother, "From now on, you can feed Grandfather."

Very patiently his mother turned from her chores, motioned for her son to sit down, and said, "You are a young man now.  It is time you know the whole truth about your grandfather."  She continued, "Grandfather has not always been confined to a wheelchair.  In fact, he used to be quite an athlete. When you were a baby, however, there was an accident."

The boy leaned forward in his chair as his mother began to cry.

She said, "There was a fire.  Your father was working in the basement, and he thought you were upstairs with me.  I thought he was downstairs with you.  We both rushed out of the house.  Your grandfather found you, wrapped you in a wet blanket, and made a made a mad dash through the flames.  He brought you safely to your father and me.

"He was rushed to the emergency room suffering from second-and third-degree burns as well as smoke inhalation.  The reason he is the way he is today is because of what he suffered the day he saved your life."

By this time the boy had tears in his eyes as well.  He never knew; his grandfather never told him. And with no conscious effort on his part, his attitude changed.  With no further complaints, he picked up his grandfather's lunch tray and took it to his room.

Once you understand why your husband acts that way, or why your wife thinks that way, it will change how you feel about him or her, though nothing has really changed.  Compassion will come with an accompanying perseverance-all because you now understand. 

I cannot overstate the importance of understanding.

This article is by Mark Gungor, pastor and creator of the wonderful and helpful programs, seminars, and books at Laugh Your Way to A Better Marriage
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens
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Another example of the differences between men and women.It Didn't Come Up 

James Stephens
The Marriage Library