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Valuable Information:
It Pays to Get Married...
Article by
Scott Gardner, PhD 
It Pays to Get Married...
married people are happier, richer and live longer.
Scott Gardner, PhD
South Dakota State University
The Myth - Marriage is a drag: it's a ball and chain, it's boring, it's detrimental to progress, and it's negative.

This is a MYTH. Repeat, this is a myth.

This myth is embedded in our culture and has crept into our speech and even our jokes.
The Facts

~  Married people are happier. 
~  Married people are healthier. 
~  Married people live longer.  
~  Married people are better off financially and accumulate more wealth. 
~  Married people are less depressed and have less mental illness and suicide. 
~  Married people have more and better sex.
Here's the TRUTH.
The best information we have comes from the in-depth research of Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher in their book The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier and Better Off Financially   In summarizing over 200 research studies, they found the following: 
~  Married people report being "very happy" twice as often as do unmarried people. 
~  Non-married men have a mortality rate 250% higher than married men. Non-married women have a mortality rate 50%  higher than non-married women.  
~  Married couples accumulate 12-30% more wealth. 
~  Cohabiting women are 3 times more likely to experience domestic violence than married women. 
~  Married people have more and better sex. For example, 48% of married men say sex is extremely emotionally satisfying, compared with 37% of cohabitating men. 
~  Children from married families are more likely to do well in school, be emotionally stable and take on leadership roles. 
Waite, L. J. & Gallagher,  M. (2000). The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier and Better Off Financially.   New York: Doubleday. 
Waite, L. (1995). Does marriage matter? Demography, 32, 483-507.
Institute for American Values (2005). Why Marriage Matters,  Second Edition, Twenty-Six Conclusions from the Social Sciences.
 © 2007, Scott Gardner, PhD;  http://www.buildingrelationshipskills.org/
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens
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