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Marriage is a Mirror
By Mark Gungor 
Marriage is a Mirror
by Mark Gungor on December 2nd, 2008

Ever walk past a mirror and get shocked or mortified by what you see?  Your hair standing up in a weird way, your slip showing, your fly open, egg stuck in your teeth?  Mirrors can be real lifesavers.  Had it not been for that mirror, you may have gone the entire day looking ridiculous.

Marriage is also a mirror.  By living so closely with another human being, you start to get a picture of what you really look like.  You start to see where you need to adjust and change.  This is why marriage is so effective at making people's lives more rich and productive-if they adjust to the needed changes.

Unfortunately, many expect marriage to be something that makes them look better, not something that reveals where they don't look so good.  Additionally, rather than see where we need to change, we opt to project our own negative images on our spouses and point out where they need to change:  She is so irritating....he is such a lazy slob....I don't want to act this way, but she brings out the worst in me. In the Bible, Adam played the blame game like this:  "That woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."

If we believe our spouse is present in the marriage to make us look better, instead of being a mirror to help us see who we really are, we will think our marriage is inadequate whenever one of our faults is revealed.  Like the witch in "Snow White" who became angry at the mirror for not telling her what she wanted to hear, we criticize the mirror-our spouse-in the marriage.  We end up communicating to him or her: This marriage isn't good. You're doing something wrong.  We need to get this fixed.

Once you are internally convinced that your marriage is wrong, you will never be able to change it externally; no matter how much you work on your attitude or behavior.  People in troubled marriages seldom grasp the fact that bad marriages cannot become good ones by external pressure.  External marriage-enrichment techniques do not work unless you begin by changing your perception of the marriage.

How do you see your marriage now?  Is it precious to you?  Do you honor, appreciate, and place worth on your marriage-as it is?  If your view of marriage is fundamentally flawed, all the energies and strategies you are using (thinking your marriage will be better if we just do this or we just change that) will end in failure.

Unless you honor your marriage union first-without conditions-your tactics will come across as manipulative strategies to get your spouse to do what you want.  This smacks of duplicity and insincerity.  You must work on your marriage because you believe it is valuable, not because you are trying to make it valuable.  Quick-fix manipulations do not a good marriage make.

God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens
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Daily Marriage E-Tips 
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