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Valuable Information:
A Man's Brain Has Less Seratonin Than A Woman's 
Article by Gary Thomas
Brain Research Helps Men and Women Understand Each Other Better

Male brains usally have less serotonin than female brains.

Since serotonin calms people down, men are more likely to act explosively and compulsively. Surprised? Probably not.
Men also have less oxytocin in their brains. Michael Gurian, author of The Wonder of Boys , makes this observation: "Oxytocin is part of what biologists call the 'tend-and-befriend' instinct. The higher the oxytocin levels, the less aggressive the person is likely to be.
Furthermore, the person with higher oxytocin levels will tend to be more immediately and directly empathetic, and more likely to link bonding and empathy with verbal centers of the brain, asking, 'How are you feeling?' or 'Is everything okay?'"

Why is a husband less likely to tune in to his wife's emotional pain and verbalize his concern than, say, her sister, her mother, her daughter, or her best friend? It's because his brain doesn't work the same way a female brain does. It just doesn't occur to him to connect his affection with verbal inquiry.
Men's brains also need to "rest" more than women's brains, with the result being that men are more inclined to seek "mental naps." Why do men gravitate toward the television screen and then launch through the channels instead of focusing on one program? Men's brains get tired. At the end of the day, men don't want plot, story, or character development; men just want escape (think buildings blowing up, cars crashing, tires squeeling.) All the while, a woman's brain - which has 15 percent more blood flow - is still running late in the day and therefore better able to process complex entertainent.
If a woman really wants to motivate her man and communicate with him, as well as enjoy a fulfilling marriage with him and raise healthy kids with him, it's best to NOT expect him to act or think like a woman. He can't do that. Nor should he.

Talking to a man is different than talking to a woman. The tactics and skills women use in talking to their sisters, best friends, and mothers, are not as well suited for communicating with a man because a man's mind functions differently.
Some similarities exist, of course, so a few things interrelate. But if a women expects a man to talk to her like her lifelong best friend does, or her sister does, or her mother does, she's being unfair. And she's going to be disappointed - and probably unhappy.

Content taken from Sacred Influence: How God Uses Wives to Shape the Souls of Their Husbands by Gary Thomas.  Published by Zondervan Publishing.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens
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