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Valuable Information:
Just Your Type, Part 2,
using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 
Report by Jim Stephens

Just Your Type using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Part 2
Today is the second part of explaining the Myers-Briggs personality assessment.
As a review, I find that the most significant value of these kinds of quizes is that they can help a person get beyond thinking that there is something WRONG with another person and that they need FIXING or they need to CHANGE.
The MBTI is the most popular and widely respected personality assessment instrument in the world.
Here are the four General Principles:

1. Each person is born with one true type. Everyone changes greatly as he/she grows and matures, however the "Type" usually remains fairly consistent.

2. All types are equally valuable. None is better or worse, healthy or sick, intelligent or unintelligent. All have strengths and weaknesses.

3. Every individual is unique. The MBTI gives only insights.

4. The MBTI is a great tool to better understanding and appreciation of others who may be very different in small or great ways from you.
The MBTI assesses the following FOUR DIMENSIONS:
Yesterday I discussed the first. Today I will explain the meanings of other three. Remember you can download the quiz to find out your type and several additional pages of explanation in a PDF file. Click here.
The book mentioned on the right, Just Your Type, explains each of the 16 Myers-Briggs Types and also goes into great detail about their compatibilty with each other.  Each combination has sections for "The Joys" and "The Frustrations".
Here is the second dimension, known as the Sensing - Intuition scale. This dimension answers the question, "Do you tend to focus on the facts or the possibilities?"
Sensing (S):
* Focus on the facts and specifics.
* Are more concrete; like ideas to be practical.
* Trust their direct experience.
* Like to operate in the here and now.
* Are realistic and practical.
* Like established ways of doing things.
* Think and talk step-by-step.
* Represent about 65% of US pop.
 Intuition (N):

* Focus on the possibilities.
* Are more abstract; like ideas and theories for their own sake.
* Trust their gut instincts.
* Like to imagine and think about the future.
* Are innovative and imaginative.
* Like to create new ways of doing things.
* Frequently jump around, topic to topic.
* Represent about 35% of US pop.
Here is the third dimension, known as the Thinking - Feeling scale. This dimension answers the question, "Do you base most decisions on logic or on your personal values?"
Thinking (T):
* Are more logical and analytical.
* Believe it's better to be truthful than tactful.
* Are fair and consistent; apply one standard to all.
* Are motivated by achievements.
* Like to compete and win.
* Easily see flaws; can be critical and brusque.
* Are thick-skinned and not easily offended.
* Comprise about 65% of males.
Feeling (F):

* Are more sensitive and sympathetic.
* Believe it's better to be tactful than truthful.
* Like harmony; look for extenuating circumstances.
* Are motivated by being appreciated.
* Like to cooperate and create consensus.
* Like to please others; express appreciation easily.
* Get their feelings hurt more easily.
* Comprise about 65% of females.
Here is the fourth dimension, known as the Judging - Perceiving scale. This dimension answers the question, "Do you prefer to be more planful or more spontaneous?"
Judging (J):
* Like to make decisions, decide quickly.
* Prefer to make and keep plans.
* Are usually well organized.
* Like to be in control.
* Have a strong work ethic: work, then play.
* Are more formal, conventional.
* Tend to see things as black and white.
* Are often better at finishing projects.
Perceiving (P):
* Like to keep options open; may procrastinate.
* Prefer to be free to act spontaneously.
* Are often disorganized.
* Like to adapt to changing situations.
* Have a strong play ethic: play, then work.
* Are more casual and unconventional.
* Tend to see things as shades of gray.
* Are often better at starting projects.  
If you have been able to make it this far, congratulations. It's actually not all that complicated. Now to the fun part...compare your profile to that of your friends and partners.
One final reminder, from above: All types are equally valuable. None is better or worse, healthy or sick, intelligent or unintelligent. All have strengths and weaknesses.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens
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Just Your Type:
Create the Relationship You've Always Wanted Using the Secrets of Personality Type
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Jim Hiromi
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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library