Daily Tips from The Marriage Library
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Valuable Information:
6 Things Women Wish Men Knew About Them
Part 1 
By Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn and Jim Burns

Today's and tomorrow's Marriage Tip are more from the book, For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women. The book is based on a huge nationwide survey and hundreds of interviews. - Jim 
6 Things Women Wish Men Knew About them -
   Part 1 of 2
It is likely no surprise to you that God has wired women and men differently. We all recognize some of these differences, but others often hide in plain sight.
For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women, recounts the surprising truths learned about women after a national survey of 3,000 women and hundreds of follow-up interviews.

Here is a summary of the first three of the six things women wish men knew about them. I think you'll find these areas fascinating! Tomorrow we'll present that last 3 areas.
"I believe that in understanding these issues, you'll be equipped to lead your marriage to a better place!", according to Jim Burns. 
1. Women need reassurance that they are loved.
Men often think that their love should be assumed, that they "closed the deal" when they married their wife. But, to women, it's not that simple. Most women have a fundamental insecurity about their husbands' love. They want to know that their husbands love them - today!
Men will do well to make it a top priority to reassure their wives that they love them ... and not just when things are going well, but especially during times of conflict.
2. Women can't just turn off thoughts that concern them.
Think of a computer desktop, with "windows" open. To close the windows, one just clicks the close box and the window disappears. When it comes to thoughts and emotions, men just click the "close" box and move on.
Women, on the other hand, may attempt to click the "close" box, but the window won't close. Their thoughts and concerns about bothersome past and present issues are not easily dismissed.
What's a man to do? Telling your wife, "Just don't think about it anymore" doesn't work. Husbands should be good listeners and help their wives process their concerns and if possible to help them identify ways to resolve their concerns.
3. Women value emotional security more than financial security.
Everyone knows women are concerned about the need for financial security in their homes. What many men don't realize is that women value emotional security more than financial security.
In fact, the Feldhahns found that a woman will endure financial insecurity in order to find emotional security with her husband. Women crave the emotional security that their husbands' presence and connectedness creates.
In practical terms, women want their husbands around them more and will likely be willing to downsize their lifestyle to make it happen.
Truths 4, 5, and 6 Tomorrow.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens
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For Women Only:
What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men


For Young Women Only:
What You Need to Know About How Guys Think

Jim Hiromi
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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library
