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The Taste Of His Kiss Tells If His Genes Match Yours 
by www.MarsVenusLiving.com 
Summary of this article
Here is some more interesting research. A while back we had an article about women smelling men's T-shirts. Now here is research about chromosomes and kissing. 
The Taste Of His Kiss Tells If His Genes Match Yours
By www.MarsVenusLiving.com

The moment you've been waiting for has arrived: As he leans in, you anticipate the wave of passion that will hit you when your lips touch his. Is he a great kisser?
Even if his technique is decent, you may come away feeling no sexual desire whatsoever. Your body's just not that into him.
And that will depend much more on his gene pool than the number of hours he's put toward practicing his kissing.
What's going on here?
Here's a possible reason:
Since the beginning of time, kissing has been our specie's way of scouting potential sexual mates. Within our DNA is a cluster of chromosomes known as the major histocompatibilty complex(MHC). It controls the portion of your immune system that oversees risks to your ability to bear children to term. If the MHC of your partner is too similar to your own, you have a less likely chance of having a successful pregnancy.
Because you've got MHC in your saliva, it's your way of conducting a "taste test" before moving further into a relationship. That said, if raising a family is your end game, in the long run you may be glad that he failed.
But no test is foolproof. A woman may still fall for a man with a high blood level of testosterone because he could very well have traces of the hormone in his saliva. And since it's a natural aphrodisiac to women, he may make the cut anyway.
Will the passion in their relationship hold up? Let's put it this way: all relationships have challenges. If their lips stay locked or they both learn how to work at it, they'll certainly have a fighting chance.
Some Kissing Trivia:
· The world's longest kiss took place in New York City. The Duration: 30 hours, 59 minutes, and 27 seconds.
· Bad news: A kiss has 278 types of bacteria. Good News: 95% of them are non-dangerous.
· Lusty lip locks transfer an average of 9 milligrams of water, 0.7 milligrams of protein, 0.18 milligrams of organic matter, 0.71 milligrams of fat and 0.45 milligrams of salt from one partner to another.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library