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The "True Colors" Personality Styles During the Holidays - Part 1 of 9 
By Jim Stephens 

Dec. 10, 2010                                                                                                Issue 492  
Summary of this article
Today begins a 9 part series on the True Colors Styles developed by Mary Miscisin. First will be an overview and then 2 days on each of the 4 Color Styles. The Christmas holiday season involves many interactions with family and friends. These articles are designed to help you with your interactions with any of the people that you might find challenging during this season. Here's wishing you the happiest and most love filled holidays ever.


The "True Colors" Personality Styles During the Holidays - Part 1 of 9


By Jim Stephens based on Mary Miscisin's "True Colors"


Many folks definitely show personality patterns that are recognizable and quite predictable. This report will help you understand the motivations behind the actions of others. It may also help you notice yourself better and whether you are coming across in ways other than you intended.


Hopefully these tips will help you to more effectively deal with the different personalities you encounter in the upcoming and all important holidays.


Think of the various significant people you will be interacting with this Holiday season. As you read the descriptions and then the challenges of each style, connect those individuals to one of the styles. Once you have recognized their Color Styles, reading the sections will give you insights into what some of your greatest challenges might be during the holidays and how to deal more effectively with them.


Here are the 4 Color Styles. Over the next eight days we will spend two days on each of the styles. The first day will describe the person in detail and give insights into their motivations. The second day will explain the challenges in dealing with them and how to be successful at it. I hope you will save the whole series for future reference and sharing with others.


Ready to go? Onward for your success this holiday season.


Here are some generalized attributes of each Color Style.




Oranges have a tendency to be very straightforward and actively involved. The more extroverted Oranges will use large gestures and body movements and speak rather fast-paced and animated. Since they are "here and now" oriented, Oranges may have an inclination to make quick decisions and interrupt to share immediately what is on their mind at the moment. They are most likely at the center of attention, telling colorful stories or jokes, entertaining all that will listen. They are master multi-talkers. For instance, they might walk around while eating, tell a story while dancing, or cook while visiting.




Blues are typically friendly, personal, and interactive. They like to connect first before getting to their agenda and may often put the needs of others before their own. They will listen empathetically and provide positive feedback and appreciation, sharing some personal anecdotes of their own. Blues will express emotion in conversation and often use metaphors to explain their ideas. Adept at reading body language, Blues may read between the lines for deeper meaning or the underlying message. In general, Blues are optimistic and ready to help cheer up others. However, since they experience a rich range of emotions they are also inclined to feel "Blue" if they feel left out, disconnected, or unappreciated.




Golds are commonly purposeful and task focused in conversation. They like to talk about what has worked the past, social events, and the "right" way of doing things. Often they speak chronologically, including specific steps. During the Holidays conventional Golds will pay close attention to etiquette, preferring to stick with appropriate subjects (which does not include your sex life) and what others should and should not be doing. They take pride in membership and may share their roles, responsibilities, and community involvements. Many Golds are direct and assertive, stating their views firmly. They like to bring proper closure to events, projects, and discussions.




Because Greens like to gather information in order to solve problems or make improvements, they often skip right over the small talk and dig for the data. They have a habit of offering critique and advice before connecting or complimenting. Persuasive and convincing, they may engage in debates with those they deem worthy and can pepper their conversations with witty remarks and word puns. Often well-informed, Greens like to be concise with their wording and may use "big" words as a result. They can become irritated at redundancy and those that don't think before asking questions with obvious answers. When mired in details and side stories, may ask the speaker to "get to the point".




God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library