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How Orange People Challenge Others - Part 3 of 9 
By Jim Stephens 

Dec. 12, 2010                                                                                                Issue 494  
Summary of this article
Okay, here we go with the best part. Here is a list of what Orange people do that others have a hard time with. Now maybe you can identify a few. Also here are some suggestions of how you can prepare in advance to really enjoy being with them this holiday season...for a change.


How Orange People Challenge Others - Part 3 of 9


By Jim Stephens based on Color Styles by Mary Miscisin


It's easy to jump to conclusions about situations and make guesses about ego battles and family dynamics. However, some circumstances are actually simple misperceptions about personality styles.


To begin to unwrap these challenges, pay attention to notice the actions and good intentions of the other person. How are you perceiving and describing their behaviors? If you really tried, how well can you come up with a positive description for each perceived negative one?


Notice which ones below are similar to the challenges you are experiencing with your friends and family.


Typical Challenges that Orange People give to others


It's hard getting Oranges to commit or follow through.


 *  Will not RSVP until the very last minute~if at all

 *  Say "yes" to several invitations, then arrive late or not show up

 *  Have a different definition of "on time". Tells time in "ish" language...for example: 5-ish


Oranges like to spring surprises on others.


 *  Tell you they are serving turkey at 2 and you end up eating franks at 5

 *  Will show up wearing a purple dress when you designated a red theme

 *  You asked them to bring bottled water and they brought beer instead


Oranges have a tendency to instigate challenging behavior.


 *  "Let's have a snowball fight, food fight or pillow fight!"

 *  "Let's see who can drink the most eggnog the fastest"

 *  "Let's make a fort out of the couch cushions!"

 *  "Who can BURP the loudest?"


Here are Suggestions on how to deal with Oranges these holidays.


Give them some wiggle room in advance of getting irritated.


 *  You have a choice- do you want to be right.. or have them around?

 *  Is a little bit of time with them better than no time at all, or even a rotten time because you are mad at them?


Be ready to go with the flow that they will initiate.


 *  Plan back-ups.

 *  Pack a snack.

 *  Create a contest for them - bet you can't find a red dress anywhere in this town, it just can't be done!


Give them the floor, but know when your own limits are reached.


 *  Plan opportunities ahead of time to keep them moving, participating and entertained (or providing approved entertainment). For example provide games, fun tasks and karaoke (with only the songs you have chosen).

 *  Know your own limits - state your boundaries clearly, calmly, and firmly. They'll keep pushing if they detect a chance they'll get their way, if they notice it is getting a rise out of you, or it's entertaining or funny to others.


Your new paradigm shift.


Past negative ways you might have characterized them:


1. Flakey          

2. Irresponsible

3. Trouble-maker


New found positive way to look at them:


1. Likes to keep options open

2. Spontaneous

3. Keeps things interesting




God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library