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The Green Color Style Person During The Holidays - Part 8 of 9 
By Jim Stephens 

Dec. 17, 2010                                                                                                Issue 499  
Summary of this article
Here is the last of the 4 colors, Green. Again, you probably know somebody like this and may be with them this holiday season. As with all the "colors" their intentions are good, just their way of expressing it may be very different from you.


The Green Color Style Person During The Holidays - Part 8 of 9


By Jim Stephens based on Color Styles by Mary Miscisin


Green Communication Patterns


Because Greens like to gather information in order to solve problems or make improvements, they often skip right over the small talk and dig for the data. They have a habit of offering critique and advice before connecting or complimenting. Persuasive and convincing, they may engage in debates with those they deem worthy and can pepper their conversations with witty remarks and word puns. Often well-informed, Green like to be concise with their wording and may use "big" words as a result. They can become irritated at redundancy and those that don't think before asking questions with obvious answers. When mired in details and side stories, may ask the speaker to "get to the point".


What to expect from Green Style people during the Holidays


 *  Green Color Style people seek non-traditional ways to appreciate the holidays.


 *  Greens don't particularly like to conform to a schedule or feel forced to participate in social rituals (like office Christmas parties) during the Holidays.


 *  Greens are the most likely of the four color styles to sneak in some work, read a few books, or use vacation time to catch up on projects as opposed to attending Holiday events.


 *  For Greens, social chit-chat can be tiring, so they may appear somewhat reserved and non-participatory at social functions.


 *  Greens like their personal space and time to think and ponder, studying people and situations before fully engaging in conversations and activities.


 *  Greens prefers "come as you are" celebrations where they don't have to put a lot of effort into dressing up.


 *  A Green values time spent sharing theories and exploring their conjectures with other interested parties. A Green is a source for answers to questions of trivia since they typically know something about practically everything.


Motivations and Likes of the Green Style:


Fixing things


Intellectual challenge


Gaining expertise

Wit, irony

Innovation, improvement

Exploring new ideas







God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library