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Quality Time With Your Kids At Christmas
By Gary Chapman 

Dec. 23, 2010                                                                                                Issue 505  
Summary of this article
Christmas is almost here and family is gathering. The traffic jam just getting to the airport was a mile long. It's going to busy and crazy so here's a suggestion. When it's all over, what will you have to cherish from this holiday event? I suggest you take the advice of Gary Chapman and really sit down on purpose and spend some Quality Time with each of your loved ones. It won't be all the presents, it will be the love that was shared that will make it special.

Quality Time With Your Kids At Christmas


By Gary Chapman


We've heard a great deal of talk about quality time in recent years.


With more and more two-income families and so many single parents we are pressured for time. While adults are talking about quality time, children are starving for it. 


Indeed much of the misbehavior of children is a cry for quality time. To the child, even negative attention seems better than no attention.


Quality time means giving a child your undivided attention. 


We are forced to do this when they are infants, but as they get older we often let other responsibilities pull us away from our children. 


May I challenge you to make time to look your children in the eyes, to listen as they talk, to ask questions, to communicate to them, "You are important to me." 


It's time well invested.




God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library