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We All Think We Are EASY To Love 
By Amy Waterman 

Dec. 3, 2010                                                                                                Issue 485  
Summary of this article
Here is an interesting insight. We all think that we are so easy to love. We completely understand what we do and why. Those around us must surely be able to do it no matter how we act. But the way we behave (and our attitude) will make it easy or difficult for people to love us.


We All Think We Are EASY To Love


By Amy Waterman


Most of us think that we're easy people to love. Love is an emotion: it can be turned on or off, right? Wrong.


Love is an action, and unless it is acted out it will die. As a result, you may be resisting being loved without even knowing it.


If your partner is the one who doesn't love you anymore, don't go looking for blame. You cannot make your partner love you again by arguing, tears, manipulation, or threats.


The only way you can recapture your partner's love for you is by being a more lovable person yourself.


If you are uncomfortable giving and receiving loving acts, you may be a hard person to love.


If you find it more comfortable to criticize than to compliment, you may be a hard person to love.


If you shrink away from hugs and avoid kissing in public, you may be a hard person to love.


If you show your affection towards your partner by teasing or making fun of him or her, you may be a hard person to love.


If you always have to be right and don't listen to your partner, you may be a hard person to love.


Lovable people love others.


They are positive people. They enjoy physical intimacy and often initiate it. They trust and believe in their partner. They're proud of their partner, and they make sure their partner knows this. Because they are open and uncritical, their partners know that they can come to them with anything.


Does this sound like you? Do you want it to sound like you?


You may be thinking, "Those types of people are easily taken for the fool." It's true. Lovable people can be taken advantage of.


But the one place where no walls should exist is in a marriage. Your partner is not like other people. For intimacy to grow, both of you must be comfortable loving one another--both giving love and receiving it.




Amy Waterman is author of the book, Save My Marriage Today! To order, click on the link below.







God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library