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How To Go Grocery Shopping
By Hale Dwoskin
Summary of this article
Here is a very educational article for anyone who goes to the grocery store. It reveals the psychological strategies they use to get you to buy more items.
How to go Grocery Shopping
By Hale Dwoskin

Grocery stores, though seemingly innocent and mundane, are actually well-oiled machines geared toward getting you to part with as much of your hard-earned cash as possible. It's OK to admit it ... how many times have you gone into the supermarket intending to just grab a gallon of milk, and left with two boxes of cookies, a frozen pizza, 10 pounds of potatoes and three other bagfuls of random grocery items you didn't know you needed along with it?

It's not your fault, really, because unless you know where to spot them, grocery store marketing techniques are tricky to find, and people are being paid big bucks to get you to impulse buy on profitable junk foods instead of more meager healthy ones.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can save money on your grocery bill, and come home with healthier foods for you and your family, by wising up with the tips below.

1. Watch the size of your shopping cart. Over the past several decades in the U.S., shopping carts have been super-sized along with portion sizes, houses and clothing ... "The reason shopping carts are so big now, and aisles are wider to accommodate them, is that tests have shown that a big cart prompts people to put more stuff in them to buy," says consumer advocate and columnist Brian Vaszily.

In other words, carry just a hand-held basket if you only intend to buy a few things, and be aware of how much you're putting into the shopping cart if you're pushing a huge one.

2. Shop only the perimeter. Supermarkets generally place processed junk foods in the inner aisles, and staple foods like milk and eggs all the way at the back. This way, you have to walk past all those enticing cookies and chips to get your dozen eggs. To avoid this, stick to the perimeter of the store, where you'll also usually find healthier groceries like produce, meat and dairy.

3. Make a list (and stick to it). "Always make a list of what you need before heading to ANY type of store, and commit to sticking to that list," says Brian Vaszily. You'll save money by avoiding impulse buys, and also buy only the healthy items you put on your list (not the junk food you're tempted to buy when it's in front of you in the store).

4. Buy generic items (but read labels). Often times, generic items are a better deal, but do read the label to make sure there aren't any funky additives that aren't in the other brand. Also be aware that most grocery stores will put generics away from eye-level on the shelf, simply because they won't generate as much of a profit as the name-brands (which are almost always located front and center in the aisle).

5. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach. You know how when you're hungry, everything looks good? Grocery stores know this too. "Supermarkets also understand the power of smells, which is why the bakery section will often be located near the most popular store entrance ... the smell of freshly baked goods makes people hungry, and of course a hungry shopper buys more, More, MORE," Vaszily says.

6. Shop sales, but don't be duped by them. Buying produce that's in-season and on sale can save you money (and get you fresher produce). You can also watch weekly fliers and stock up on items you need when they're on special. This is a good way to get more expensive items (like organic foods) for a more affordable price. However, for this to work you must know what's really a good price for the food, and what's just a flashy "SALE" sign aimed at getting you to buy something you otherwise wouldn't.

The general rule of thumb? If it's on sale for what you know is a good price, and it's something you'd normally buy, go for it. But, "don't be tricked into buying something you didn't intend to because it is 'on sale.' You'll save even more by not buying it at all," Vaszily adds.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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The Marriage Library