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Mort's 50 Ways To Talk And Touch List 
By Mort Fertel
Summary of this article
Mort Fertel proposes alternatives to therapy. Here is a list of 50 ways to connect with your spouse. 

Mort's 50 Ways To Talk And Touch List


By Mort Fertel


Do you remember when you used to just talk? Not about who's going to pick up the kids, make the dinner, or pay the bill...I mean just talk for the sake of talking. If you're like most couples, you need to start talking again. Tell your spouse about your dreams. Share your fears. Tell a joke. Talk about the interesting person you met today or the experience you had jogging in the park.


In the morning before you part for the day, share something with your spouse. In the middle of day, call your spouse for a Talk Charge. You don't have to be all sweetsie if you don't want to. But make sure you don't discuss anything logistical. And don't fight! Just talk.


You and/or your spouse probably feel you don't get enough attention from each other. As discussed, it could be that you need to talk more. But you also probably need to touch more.


Reach out and TOUCH your spouse today. Try a warm kiss or a gentle rub. Stroke their cheek or play with their feet. It only takes a moment, but the positive energy can carry you through an entire evening.


When you caress your spouse's hand, play with their feet, rub their shoulders, or stroke their cheek, there's a moment there (if you do it RIGHT) when your spouse knows that you are completely connected with them.


Fill your marriage with a few of those moments each day and your relationship will begin to change.


Now I don't want to leave you hanging...wondering what you're going to say and how you're going to touch. I figure if there's 50 ways to leave your lover, there must be at least as many ways to touch them or talk to them. So here's my "50 ways" list.


Don't be overwhelmed. Most of these won't work for you. I created 50 so you would have options. My challenge to you is to pick 2; in the next 24 hours do 1 Talk Charge and 1 Touch Charge.


1. Express confidence in one of your spouse's decisions


2. Share dessert with one fork


3. What was "your song" when you were dating? Call your spouse and sing it to them.


4. Surprise visit your spouse at their office or home and give them a kiss... and then leave.


5. Play footsie next time you sit together


6. Learn a new joke today and share it with your spouse


7. Ask how your spouse's day went... and really listen


8. Kiss your spouse upon waking


9. Kiss your spouse before sleeping


10. Caress your spouse's hand


11. Touch your spouse's cheek or hand while driving


12. Rub shoulders next time you sit next to each other


13. Sit on your spouse's lap or sit them on yours


14. Compliment something your spouse is wearing


15. Call your spouse out of the blue to let them know you are thinking of them


16. Give your spouse a neck or shoulder massage


17. Share a story from the news or your day that you thought was interesting


18. What about dancing before dinner? No one's looking.


19. Tell your spouse that if you had to do it all over again, you'd choose them


20. Share a problem - thank your spouse for their concern


21. Play with your spouse's hair while talking in bed


22. Fall asleep holding hands


23. Remind your spouse to drive safely next time they leave the house


24. Call your spouse at work with the latest news.


25. Have a tickle "fight"


26. Say "I'm sorry" about a mistake you recently made


27. Think of 3 ways your spouse has made you a better person ... tell them now


28. Compliment your spouse on your favorite physical trait


29. Play Twister and let yourself laugh out loud


30. Look at your spouse when they are unaware of your gaze ... share your feelings


31. Share what you most admire about your spouse


32. Have a "remember when?" moment.


33. Thank your spouse for helping you through a challenging time in your life


34. Find a reason to touch your spouse when you are in the same room


35. Dig out the wedding album and reminisce


36. Hold hands under the table


37. Brush your mate's hair out of his/her eyes


38. Straighten his tie, being sure to touch him with love


39. Button or zip her dress, being sure to touch her with love


40. Knead the same dough together


41. Kiss in the elevator when no one is looking


42. Express confidence in your spouse's ability to overcome a problem


43. Listen to your spouse's worries - ask how you can help


44. Make your spouse's lunch for the day ... deliver it with a kiss


45. Send your spouse a fax with your special "code words" for I Love You!


46. Turn off your spouse's alarm clock...wake them with a massage


47. Kiss the back of your spouse's neck while he/she is reading


48. Before parting, tell your spouse you can't wait to see him/her again


49. An extra hug for no reason at all never hurt anyone


50. "Spoon" your mate while sleeping


Mort Fertel graduated from the Wharton School and the University of Pennsylvania, was the CEO of an international non-profit organization, and a former marathon runner. He lives with his wife

and 4 children (including triplets!) in Baltimore, Maryland.



Marriage Fitness with Mort Fertel

3410 Bancroft Road

Baltimore, MD 21215

Phone: 410.764.1552

Web: http://www.MortFertel.com

Here is Mort's website where you can get all 7 Secrets for your mariage and much more. www.marriagemax.com.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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The Marriage Library