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Is It Infatuation Or Is It True Love?
By Unknown
Summary of this article
Here is an excellent description of the differences between true love and infatuation. I found it in an old email, but I don't know the author.
Is It Infatuation Or Is It True Love?


1. Infatuation is very focused on looks and attractions. Without the thought or experience of sex or physical involvement, things get pretty dull, even boring.

2. Infatuation always needs a mirror to make sure you look and act the way you think he or she wants you to. It makes you afraid that if this person saw or knew you as you really are, he or she might not love you any longer.

3. Infatuation seems to happen all at once, often before you even know each other very well. It usually disappears just as quickly as it began. This is especially true when replaced by another "instant" relationship.

4. Infatuation might lead you to do things you don't really think are right just to keep the relationship. Or even, more devious, it will talk you into trying to think something is right even when you know deep down that it is not.

5. Infatuation is jealous, mistrusting, and uncertain. It makes you wonder and worry that you will be dropped when he or she is friendly with someone else.

6. Infatuation is "in a hurry." You can't wait to go steady, for sex, or even for marriage. It sometimes makes you plunge in head first, long before you know the person. You are afraid that you will lose this person if you don't act now.

7. Infatuation covers up what does not fit. You have different values and find yourself disagreeing with how he or she does things or treats others. But you overlook your nagging doubts because this person is the one who matters.

8. Infatuation is an emotional roller coaster, often making you sad or moody for no reason. Your day is made or broken by whether or not the phone rings. You do a lot of daydreaming about how perfect and ideal your life would be if...if...if.

9. Infatuation often makes you feel trapped. Your whole focus on him or her. You feel you are missing out on other things and other people.

10.Infatuation can wear another person as a trophy. If you are honest you'll admit that if this person were not as popular or good-looking your feelings might not be the same.

True Love

1. Love is learned and grows gradually. While chemistry or infatuation may initially attract you, real love grows over time as you get to know this person in many ways and in many contexts. You don't need to rush real love.

2. Love makes you more likely to do what you know is right. Love will not ask you to do things you are morally unsure of or are not ready for. It brings out the best in your character.

3. Love is honest. You don't have pretend to look or act the way you think this person wants you to. You can speak your mind freely.

4. Love involves the total person...not only physical attraction and looks. Love admires personality and character traits as well. You are turned on by this person's character, personality, interests, and mind - not just their looks.

5. Love, because it is patient, can wait for proper timing. You know that if your love is true, it will last and that you don't have to stake your claim to keep from losing this person. Love is learned...gradually over time.

6. Love is steady and unshakable, an attitude, not just a feeling. It is knowing that you care about someone through all the ups and downs. Feelings can change as quickly as the weather, while love lasts with realism and energy.

7. Love gives you the security to reach out and explore what life has to offer. Love is freedom. You don't own anyone, and no one owns you. No one can ever really "belong" to you, like a puppet on a string.

8. Love involves trust. It brings security. With love you feel more confident and sure of yourself, because you know that you are loves and worthy of being loves.

9. Love does not expect you to compromise your values. In fact, love deepens as you discover that you share basic values. Love will live and grow in a climate of respect and truth.

10.Love treats the other person as a person, not as a status symbol to be used to make you look good to others.

God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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The Marriage Library