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Reasons Why Your Spouse Won't Listen to You - Part 1.
by Sheri & Bob Stritof
Summary of this article
Check out this list of communication issues why your spouse won't listen. Today is "problems with your delivery" and tomorrow in Part 2 is "personal issues of your spouse".
Reasons Why Your Spouse Won't Listen to You
By Sheri & Bob Stritof, About.com
Not Listening is a Red Flag in Your Marriage

When one or both of you are not listening to one another, you have a problem in your marriage. If the lack of listening continues, your marriage could be in jeopardy.

The listening problem in your marriage could be related to issues that your spouse has, your method of delivery, or a combination of both. 
Possible Issues with Your Method of Delivery
· You may be taking too long to say what you want to say. Long-winded monologues are boring. Get to the point.
· You may monopolize conversations with your spouse. Give your spouse a chance to talk.
· If you have a history of saying things that are hurtful, insulting, intimidating, dismissive, or disrespectful of your spouse's beliefs and feelings, your spouse will be protective and defensive by not listening to you. Don't say these things!
· If there is a pattern of manipulation in what you say to your spouse, your spouse will tune you out. Stop being manipulative. Say what you mean.
· If your talking style is one of preaching, lecturing, or questioning, your spouse may prefer to not hear your lectures or questions. Stop being the professor or attorney in your marriage.
· You may use too many generalities in your statements. Comments that use words like "always", "never", and "constantly" can cause a spouse to tune out the entire conversation. Eliminate these words from your vocabulary.
· Your timing could be off. Your spouse probably won't listen when tired, preoccupied with other thoughts, involved with a project, watching television, or working on the computer. Tell your spouse you want to talk and ask if it is a good time. If your spouse says no, don't get pouty.
· Any conversations about topics or issues that have been discussed at length previously will cause a spouse to tune out. Don't keep bringing up old issues or topics.
· Your spouse may have grown tired of continued conversations where you complain, whine, or speak negatively. Be more positive.
· Perhaps you don't listen to your spouse. Check out your own listening skills.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library