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A Martian's Guide to Fourteen Loving Acts - Part 1
by Dr. John Gray
Summary of this article
John Gray gives men some clues about how to show women that they are loved. Men don't often think of these little gestures on their own. Half of them today and and the other half tomorrow. Not to overload a man all in one day.
A Martian's Guide to Fourteen Loving Acts for Any Day of the Year
By John Gray

Sure Valentine's Day is an important day to do something impressive for your significant other. But too often, men focus on the big acts of love and forget the small ones that for women count every bit as much.
Generally on Venus women naturally exchange simple, thoughtful acts of kindness. Martians on the other hand, ignore the small simple acts, and aim high. But not sure what those more impressive acts should be, they let countless opportunities to show how much they care simply slip away.
What Martians generally don't know is that on Venus, every act of love scores the same one point. Be it small or large, points for love are all the same. By their nature men tend to think in grand terms and this often takes them down the wrong path, especially on Valentine's Day.
Here are fourteen loving acts good for Valentine's Day or any day of the year that a man can do which all say, "I'm so happy that we share our lives."  (7 today and 7 tomorrow. Jim)
1. Send her an email or text message during the day that tells her how much you are looking forward to spending the night with her. A lot of men think this is "too mushy." Nonsense, you sent her little love notes when you were courting her, don't stop because she said, "I do."
2. Rent a "chick flik" for her and watch it together. Chances are she has watched a few films with you that had a body count of ten are more. This night instead snuggle up and watch a romantic comedy. She'll love the fact that you want to share in something she enjoys.
3. Hug her when you first see each other after a long day. Give her a kiss on the cheek, not as a prelude to having sex, but simply because you're happy to be back together.
4. Take the time to make a CD mix with some of her favorite songs and then when you get in the car surprise her with what you have done.
5. Encourage her to take a night off and to go out with her girlfriends. Guys know how much they enjoy reconnecting with their pals but forget that this can be really important to the woman in their lives as well.
6. Get up early one weekend morning and make her breakfast. Add to the surprise by washing her car or straightening up the living room.
7. If there is a magazine that you know she enjoys, slip out one of those subscription cards from inside and send it off without telling her. It's a simple inexpensive surprise that simply says, "I'm thinking of you."
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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