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3 Ways Of Appreciation Based On Brain Learning
By Jack Canfield 

Jan. 1, 2011                                                                                                Issue 514  
Summary of this article
You have probably heard of the 3 different learning styles, but Jack Canfield (author of the Chicken Soup books) gives it a new twist. He shows how giving appreciation is most effective when given in the learning style of the person you are appreciating.


3 Ways Of Appreciation Based On Brain Learning


By Jack Canfield


To develop the ability to maintain a state of love and gratitude on a more regular basis, we need to make it a habit.


We do dozens of things every day on automatic pilot, such as eating our meals, taking showers, or doing the dishes. We don't have to spend time visualizing these activities or putting them on our to-do lists. We simply do them out of habit. Expressing appreciation on a daily basis will help you turn gratitude into a daily habit with multiple benefits.


3 Kinds of Appreciation


For your appreciation to hit the mark, keep in mind that there are three different kinds of appreciation - auditory, visual and kinesthetic. These are the three ways that our brains take in information, and everyone has a dominant type they prefer. Tailor the type of appreciation you give to suit the person you want to honor.


Auditory people like to HEAR appreciation.


Expressing thanks verbally is the best way to let them know how much we appreciate them. Auditory people are very sensitive to the tones of our voices, so speaking in a caring and compassionate voice is highly effective.


Visual people like to receive things they can SEE.


Letters, cards, flowers, plaques, certificates, pictures and any other gifts are perfect for these individuals.


Kinesthetic people need to FEEL appreciation.


My wife is a kinesthetic person. She loves to do things that make her feel good, such as hiking, getting massages or picking out clothes that feel good to the touch. The best way for me to express appreciation to my wife is with a hug, a kiss or simply spending time with her.


Blend for Impact


When in doubt, use all three types of communication. Tell them, show them and give them a pat on the back. For example, put your arm around your kids when you tell them how much you appreciate them and then follow up later with a card.


Using multiple forms of communication also can strengthen your message. Although I am very visual, I'm also a big fan of physical touch. If you give me a hug, a handshake or a high five, the physical touch multiples the appreciation I feel by a factor of 10!





God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library