Daily Tips from The Marriage Library
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20 Rules and Tools for a Great Marriage

By Dr. Steve Stephens

Summary of this article
Here is a quick look at one of many practical "rules for marriage" from the book 20 (Surprisingly Simple) Rules and Tools for a Great Marriage by Dr. Steve Stephens, published by Tyndale.
20 Rules and Tools for a Great Marriage
Rule #14 Welcome Each Other Home
By Dr. Steve Stephens
There are two major problems that I hear from couples with regard to coming home. Both of these tendencies can destroy your sense of togetherness.
First, there is the exhaustion factor.
After a hard day spent on the job, running errands, or caring for the kids, a couple gets worn out. Too often a husband and wife spend all their energy during the day, and they give each other only what's left over. At the end of the day all they have is exhaustion: tired meals, tired fun, tired talk, and even tired sex.
The solution is to pace themselves and save some energy for a quality evening.
Second, there is the isolation factor.
This is a tendency that strikes more men than women. We get home after a long day and we want a break from people. So we pull away from our beloved to read the newspaper, watch the television, play with the computer, or whatever solitary activity we enjoy most.
The only way to overcome isolation is to commit to spending more time together. Don't let hobbies, special interests, or relaxation take priority over the person God has given you.
If every person welcomed his spouse home with loving enthusiasm, you'd be surprised at the impact it would have on marriages. Suddenly couples would yearn to spend more time together, and home would truly become a place of joy, comfort, and peace.
Here is a list of the 20 Rules and Tools for a Great Marriage from the book.
1. Make Your Spouse a Priority
2. Accept Differences
3. Listen Carefully
4. Compliment Daily
5. Work Together as a Team
6. Mind Your Manners
7. Watch Less TV
8. Find Time for Fun
9. Do the Little Things
10. Celebrate the "Top Five"
11. Think Positive
12. Fight Fair
13. Forgive
14. Welcome Each Other Home
15. Go to Bed at the Same Time
16. Develop Mutual Friends
17. Take a Date
18. Make Love
19. Pray For Your Spouse
20. Treasure Your Spouse
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library