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You Can't NOT Be "Triggered", So Use It To Your Advantage 
by Jan Tincher
Summary of this article
Jan Tincher is great at understanding how your brain works. So her articles can really give us clues about what is going on in our interactions with others and how to improve them.
You Can't NOT Be "Triggered", So Use It To Your Advantage
By Jan Tincher - All Rights reserved http://www.tameyourbrain.com
We've been triggering ourselves, or we've been triggered by someone else, all our lives, whether we know it or not . . .
Why not take control of your triggers and succeed with them?
What is a trigger? A trigger is anything that brings forth an emotional feeling or memory.
Whenever you see, hear, or feel something, and it reminds you of an incident in the past, you have been "triggered". This may or may not be on a conscious level.
When you are "Triggered" you will become happy, sad, angry, or whatever was going on at the time when you first saw, heard, or felt that "trigger". Your mind takes you back there by giving you the same feeling.
For instance, you hear the lead-in song of an old TV show that you always watched when you came home from school and it triggers a memory or a feeling for you.
You see a picture of your first car and it triggers a memory for you.
You smell frying chicken, or whatever your favorite meal was when you were living at home, and it triggers a memory for you.
Or, if you are still living at home, maybe the memory of your birthday cake on a special birthday triggers a memory for you.
Those are all triggers for you.
They "automatically" happen outside of your control, and they succeed in taking your mind to a different point in time.
If a person says something to you in a certain way, and you suddenly want to cry, realize that you've been "triggered". This means it took your mind back to feelings from the times you were talked to like that.
If they say something in another way, with that certain tone of voice, you suddenly feel like the dummy you were when you were growing up, and your shoulders slump, then realize you've been "triggered."
If a person puts his arm around you and slaps you on the shoulder the same way someone did at the funeral of a best friend, and you are suddenly uncontrollably sad, you've been "triggered."
A trigger can make you sad or happy, depressed or excited, etc.
I'm going to show you how to make your own "trigger," and how that trigger will help you succeed.
We are always learning, so why don't you create a trigger that helps you to learn easily and automatically?
First, you need to decide what you want to use as the trigger. It can be touching your finger to your thumb, or putting your hand on your knee, or blinking a certain way, or clearing your throat, or thinking of a palm tree, or whatever you would like.
I would recommend, though, that it be as inconspicuous as possible. Decide on something that you can easily do anywhere, but not something that would be easily noticeable.
OK, now you've decided HOW you're going to trigger, it's time to MAKE the trigger. This will take visualization, so get comfortable and relaxed, ready to learn.
Now, if you would, please think of a time when you were grossly involved in a learning activity.
And learning doesn't necessarily mean in a school environment, you may or may not have such a memory for learning.
If you don't, and if you're mechanically inclined, think about when you learned to work on your first car. Or when you learned how to sew your first dress. Or maybe when you learned to ride a bike, or drive a car. Or maybe when you learned about the stars. Or maybe when you started learning what made people tick. Maybe when you learned the names of flowers, the different species of bugs, or the currency exchange.
There are so many things we have all learned without even trying. Where, suddenly, we knew how to do what we wanted to do. We learned because we were so interested in what we were doing, and it just came easily.
***What about those of us who don't seem to learn easily? Can we still learn? Yes! Because the mind does not know the difference between real or vividly imagined. If you can think, you can learn. So when I ask you to think of a time when you were grossly involved in a learning activity, if you don't have a memory like that, all you have to do is vividly imagine it and continue on. ***
Now, have you "recalled" a time when you were grossly involved in a learning activity, OR have you "imagined" a time when you were grossly involved in a learning activity?
Great! Feel what that feels like. See what you are visualizing, vividly. Hear what everyone was saying, vividly. Feel the pats on the back. Hear what you are thinking to yourself. See you as other people are seeing you, vividly. You are elated, happy, confident.
Now, fire off your trigger. Again, it can be touching your finger to your thumb, or putting your hand on your knee, or blinking a certain way, or clearing your throat, or thinking of a palm tree, or whatever you would like. Just make sure you do it the SAME way every time.
Visualize firing this learning trigger BEFORE you are about to learn whatever it is you want to learn.
Visualize that during each learning session, you fire your trigger and practice recalling your material, because you are confident. Visualize that now. You are ready to learn. You've fired your trigger -- touched your fingers together or whatever -- and now the learning comes easily. Visualize that. Live it in your mind.
Visualize that during each learning session, you fire your trigger and practice recalling your material with your hearing. In other words, imagine what you would be hearing if you learned all that. Do you see yourself talking just a little bit differently? Using success words?
Visualize that during each learning session, you fire your trigger and practice recalling your material with your seeing. Imagine seeing all the material before you. What would you see? What would you see around you? Don't you see yourself sitting or standing a different way now? Looking a different way? A successful way?
Visualize that during each learning session, you fire your trigger and practice recalling your material with your feeling. What would you be feeling once you accomplished this? How would your body feel? What does it feel like to be confident?
Visualize firing your trigger and practice recalling your material.
Visualize that whenever you need to recall the information you studied, you fire your trigger and immediately recall what you need.
Practice this visualization several times a day. Make sure you are always relaxed, and you enjoy the session. Practice visualizing feeling successful, practice feeling successful, until you are successful. Good luck!
Remember, if you take the time and effort to change your view of reality, your brain will put in the time and effort to make your reality become your view.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library