Daily Tips from The Marriage Library
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Multi-Taskers vs Single-Taskers
By Pastor Mark Gungor
Summary of this article 
Here's another great insight by the always entertaining Mark Gungor. If women ask their husbands about this example, they'll find out it's true.
Multi-taskers vs Single-taskers
By Mark Gungor
Women are masterful multi-taskers. They can juggle several projects at one time: they can read a book, talk on the phone and watch TV all at the same time.
Where all this becomes a problem is when a woman tries to communicate with a man.
For example, she will walk into the kitchen and see her husband reading the newspaper. She assumes, "I multi-task, therefore he must multi-task" and she starts talking to him.
Being a single-tasker, however, he has all of his attention on the newspaper and is not hearing a single word she is saying. When it becomes apparent that he has not been listening, she assumes he does not care about her and incorrectly perceives his "head" problem as a "heart" problem.
Ladies, if you see a man busy doing something, and if you want him to actually hear what you are saying, you will need to disrupt his activity and get him to look at you.
Get his attention first, make sure he's listening to you and not caught up in his task. You'll save yourself, and your husband lots of frustration.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Hiromi
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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library