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Men Have 6.5 Times As Much Gray Matter
by Jim Stephens, based on John Gray 
Summary of this article
Research is showing more and more differences between men's and women's brains. Here are some amazing findings and an interpretation from John Gray. 
Men Have 6.5 Times As Much Gray Matter
By Jim Stephens based on John Gray's book Why Mars & Venus Collide.
Research is showing that men have approximately 6.5 times as much gray matter in their brains as women.
It's also showing that women have approximately 10 times the white matter that men do.
Think about this.
Both brains work equally well for intelligent behavior and reasoning, but they are very different.
Gray matter in the brain is the information processing centers. The white matter is the connections or networks among the processing centers.
This might explain why men in general tend to excel more at processing information like in mathematics while women excel more at integrating and assimilating information like in language skills.
Women have about 40% more connections between the left and right hemispheres of their brains. This allows them to multitask and much more readily access their thinking, listening, talking, and emotions at the same time. Men's brains allow them to compartmentalize their experiences better.
Men are able to focus out distractions better. This gives them an advantage in stress relief.
Men can more easily disengage from their left brain (the more serious side) by switching to a hobby, sports, or watching TV. He disconnects from his left brain and allows it to relax.
Women, with a greater amount of connective tissue between the hemispheres, has a harder time to relax because her left brain, the analytical and rational side, is still well connected all the time.
A man can suggest to another man "Just forget about it" or "Don't worry about it" and that is helpful advice. But it is less of a practical or helpful suggestion for a woman. It's more likely perceived as an insult. Even though he has good intentions and is trying to be helpful, she may not understand that.
A man can disengage from his problems, relax his brain for a while, and then come back to them again later after he has had a chance to get refreshed.
Women do not do that. Rather than disengaging from problems, they want to talk about them. Even if the problems have no solutions, the very act of talking about them and sharing them produces oxytocin (the bonding hormore) for women. The result is they feel better and more relaxed.
Because there are so many more connections in a woman's brain, whatever she experiences or is talking about is constantly stimulating all kinds of other things in her brain to talk about.
Men on the other hand often just plain "have nothing to say". Unless the conversation is centering on something of interest to him, nothing else is getting triggered in his brain and he has very little to offer.
Women can't fathom what must be going on in a man's mind because it's so different from hers. Mark Gungor calls it a man's "nothing box".
This helps explain why if you ask a man "How was your day?" or "How was your trip?", then he may not have anything to say. He's not intentionally hiding anything. He just didn't think about it much and therefore he doesn't remember much about it. Remember his brain has only 1/10th of a woman's white matter which is what connects all those memories together.

God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress

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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library