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10 Mistakes To Avoid When Dealing With Conflict - Part 2
by Elizabeth Scott
Summary of this article
This is the second in a 2 part Tip that describes 10 attitudes that are counterproductive in resolving conflicts.
10 Mistakes To Avoid When Dealing With Conflict - Part 2

From Elizabeth Scott, for About.com

Conventional wisdom (and research) says that good communication can improve relationships, increasing intimacy, trust and support.

The converse is also true: poor communication can weaken bonds, creating mistrust and even contempt!

Here are five more examples of negative and even destructive attitudes and communication patterns that can exacerbate conflict in a relationship.

6. Forgetting to Listen:

Some people interrupt, roll their eyes, and rehearse what they're going to say next instead of truly listening and attempting to understand their partner. This keeps you from seeing their point of view, and keeps your partner from wanting to see yours! Don't underestimate the importance of really listening and empathizing with the other person!

7. Playing the Blame Game:

Some people handle conflict by criticizing and blaming the other person for the situation. They see admitting any weakness on their own part as a weakening of their credibility, and avoid it at all costs, and even try to shame them for being 'at fault'. Instead, try to view conflict as an opportunity to analyze the situation objectively, assess the needs of both parties and come up with a solution that helps you both.

8. Trying to 'Win' The Argument:

I love it when Dr. Phil says that if people are focused on 'winning' the argument, "the relationship loses"! The point of a relationship discussion should be mutual understanding and coming to an agreement or resolution that respects everyone's needs. If you're making a case for how wrong the other person is, discounting their feelings, and staying stuck in your point of view, your focused in the wrong direction!

9. Making Character Attacks:

Sometimes people take any negative action from a partner and blow it up into a personality flaw. (For example, if a husband leaves his socks lying around, looking it as a character flaw and label him 'inconsiderate and lazy', or, if a woman wants to discuss a problem with the relationship, labeling her 'needy', 'controlling' or 'too demanding'.) This creates negative perceptions on both sides. Remember to respect the person, even if you don't like the behavior.

10. Stonewalling:

When one partner wants to discuss troubling issues in the relationship, sometimes people defensively stonewall, or refuse to talk or listen to their partner. This shows disrespect and, in certain situations, even contempt, while at the same time letting the underlying conflict grow. Stonewalling solves nothing, but creates hard feelings and damages relationships. It's much better to listen and discuss things in a respectful manner.

God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library