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Eleven Reasons Why It Is Great To Be Married Forty Years
By Larry Cluff

Nov. 17, 2010                                                                                                Issue 469  
Summary of this article
Here is some humor for you. But I suggest that you take time to think a little deeper about being married 40 years and what it would mean to you. How precious in all the world is a love that is still going strong after 40 years.


Eleven Reasons Why It Is Great To Be Married Forty Years


By Larry Cluff


 11. No one keeps score any more.


 10. You have someone to help you find your glasses.


  9. You're used to each other, so you don't actually scare each other when you see how you look in the morning.


  8. You have someone to help finish your sentences for you when you can't remember the uhh ...


  7. You have learned to share chores around the house. He does what he wants. She does what she wants. And the rest does not get done.


  6. He does not have to suck in his gut for her. She does not have to wear a Wonder-Bra for him.


  5. Ninety percent of the communication is without words, and he understands 51 percent of it.


  4. You both give more than you get.


  3. You feel comfortable saying "no", as in "No, I don't want to go dancing" or "no, I don't want a new pickup truck."


  2. She has someone to tell her what she is after when she finds herself in the kitchen and can't remember why she is there. He has someone to tell him what he is after when he finds himself in the bedroom and can't remember why he is there.


And the number one reason why "It Is Great to be Married Forty Years"


  1. Grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren, ...



Thanks to Larry Cluff, Pastor of The First United Methodist Church of Porterville, California, for the original thoughts on which the preceding was based.




God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens



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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library