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Marriage Can Be Heaven, Hell, or Limbo
By Gary Chapman 

Nov. 23, 2010                                                                                                Issue 475  
Summary of this article
I just realized I listed yesterday's article in the title as by Mark Gungor but it was actually Gary Chapman. Darn computer software.

Today's article is again by Gary Chapman. My wife and I have deeply shared God in our 31 year relationship and I can't begin to tell you what a difference it has made. Maybe it's the difference of swimming in a lake or the ocean. This article is about God's design for marriage and how it's meant to fulfill the deepest yearnings of our souls (when done right of course). If not done right, it looks more like limbo or in many cases hell.

To those without faith this may seem absurd. To those living this faith, the conclusion seems self-evident.


Marriage Can Be Heaven, Hell, or Limbo


by Dr. Gary Chapman


The biblical picture of marriage is the blending of two lives into a new unit which will both satisfy the individuals involved, and serve the purposes of God.  


Our hearts cry out for intimacy. We were made to share life with another person and with God. God created marriage to be the most intimate of all human relationships. 


We are going to share our life in all ways: emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically, and spiritually.


The degree to which we experience this kind of intimacy, to that degree is how much we will find deep satisfaction in marriage. 


To the degree that we fail to do this, we find marriage very empty. 


Thousands of couples have never experienced what God designed marriage to provide. They live isolated lives, independent of each other but under the same roof, which magnifies the problem. 


Intimacy requires long term commitment through action .... to talk, listen, and seek to understand.  


The most vital piece is that together we plan and live our lives in fellowship with God. This is marriage at its best. Without sharing God and sharing  faith, most of the depth is not there.



Article written by Dr. Gary Chapman.  Based on the book, The Marriage You've Always Wanted by Dr. Gary Chapman. Published by Moody Publishing, copyright 2009.





God bless your family and your marriage.


Jim Stephens



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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library