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The Secret To Motivating A Husband
by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Summary of this article
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs has made a huge impact on the marriage enrichment movement with his insights on a man's need for unconditional respect, even more importantly than his need for love. 
His concept of the "Crazy Cycle" has helped 1000's of couples.
By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

I discovered a secret - a secret hidden in plain sight! A husband does not lack the knowledge that he is to love his wife. She tells him that she needs to feel his love.

What he lacks is motivation.

The secret is this: A husband is motivated to be loving in response to a wife showing him unconditional respect.
That's a big truth hidden in plain sight. After hearing it, it still seems foreign to many!

Peter reveals that a wife's "respectful behavior" (1 Peter 3:1,2 NASB) motivates a husband - even an undeserving one - to open his heart to God and by implication to his wife. "Even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your... respectful behavior."

Paul, as well, shares God's secret. "The wife must respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33b NIV). This is his summary statement on marriage to the wife in the most significant treatise on marriage in the New Testament.

Did you know that God does not command a wife to agape-love her husband? Only the husband is commanded to agape-love (Ephesians 5:33a). Agape-love is that God-like unconditional love.

Why is a wife not commanded to agape-love? God designed a wife to love. She loves to love. For this reason, a husband does not doubt his wife's love. What he doubts is her respect for him. During an argument, if she shouts , "I love you a ton but don't feel any respect for you!" he'll become an island unto himself. A mysterious island.

That is equal to a husband shouting, "I respect you more than any other human being, but I don't love you, never have." What wife will jump in the air and click her heels over that comment? She is devastated and would never get over it.

As a wife needs love like she needs air, so a husband needs respect like he needs air. He is devastated and never gets over the declaration, "Nobody could ever respect you."

The key to motivating any person is by meeting that person's deepest need. A husband is best motivated when his need is met to feel respected for who he is apart from his performance.

When a wife comes across as despising who her husband is as a human being he loses his fond feelings of affection for her. He loses energy to emotionally connect. He has lost his motivation. This is similar to a wife losing energy to positively respond when her husband is harsh, angry and unloving.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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Jim Stephens
The Marriage Library