Daily Tips from The Marriage Library
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A Man's First Primary Need, And It's Not Sex
By John Gray
Sept. 11, 2010                                                                                                        Issue 404
Summary of this article
Here is an article that helps women understand how to get what they want by understanding how to give a man what he needs...and it's not that hard.
A Man's First Primary Need, And It's Not Sex
By John Gray

A Man's First Primary Need Is to Be Appreciated
Men are particularly moved by hearing a woman share her appreciation for his actions. 
Men are so moved, in fact, that a woman's appreciation of what he does can help motivate a man to do the same great things for her repeatedly.
Do you love it when he walks through the door and immediately gives you a hug? If so, thank him for it and you're more likely to get another one next time.
Does it give you butterflies when he kisses your neck in just the right spot? Make sure he knows how this makes you feel. Next time you're more likely to get this same kind of affection. But remember, it's got to be genuine appreciation - if you don't mean it, don't fake it.
While we all ultimately share the same needs, men have a unique set of primary needs that are different from a woman's primary needs. Her primary needs are caring, understanding, and respect.
Recognizing your partner's needs is a positive step, but each sex's needs must be met for a successful relationship. Trouble arises in a relationship when one partner fails to acknowledge and honor the other's needs.
Couples don't typically ignore their partner's needs on purpose. But here's the common blunder: if you are NOT aware of what your partner requires, it's easy to assume that treating them the way you would like to be treated will suffice. It won't.
This happens especially between men and women. For example, typically, when a woman is stressed, her man may give her lots of space because that's what he would prefer. However, likely all she really wants to do is have company and talk.
Likewise, a woman may pursue a man when it seems as though he is stressed because she would want that attention if the roles were reversed. However, he just might need to be left alone for a while.
God bless your marriage and family.
Jim Stephens


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The Marriage Library